CATEGORIES  |  Debt  |  Equity  |  Financial Advisory  |  Investments  |  Multifamily  |  Student Housing

FIDES Capital Partners, LLC ("FIDES") announced today that it has been engaged by a hospitality investment and operating company to obtain a $100 million, revolving, senior-warehouse credit facility to finance its client's hospitality lending and loan-acquisition business.  FIDES' client has invested in over $300 million of hotel assets, and has an investment in over 4,000 keys through both direct ownership and loans.  The client has experienced very attractive returns givens its unique knowledge of both the ownership and lending side of the business.  FIDES will approach a select list of institutional lenders, many of which view such lending opportunities as increasingly attractive lending opportunities.

"This business plan is a natural evolution for our client.  First, they bought distressed equity.  Then they bought distressed notes.  Now they are lending opportunistically.  Each strategty is within the same niche hospitality sector, which is why it makes total sense.  Lenders understand that if you own and manage the assets, and you have experience in buying and resolving distressed notes....then you have the expertise to underwrite first mortgage loans on transitional assets, " said Greg Longoria of FIDES.